M.Th – Christian Theology
The design and allocation of credits over courses are made to give the students a comprehensive understanding of the origin, development and diversity of Christian Theology. The overall aim of the programme is to equip the students to become spiritually committed, theologically proficient and socially relevant ministers.
The courses are designed with an aim to enable the students:
- To be familiar with the methodological issues and critical tools in Christian Theology so as to facilitate theologization using appropriate methods and critical reflection.
- To have comprehensive understanding of the origin of Christian Theology, and various traditions and critically look at their contributions
- To focus on the contextual nature of Christian Theology and articulate theology from the perspectives of the various contexts such as poverty, discrimination and dehumanization
- To equip the students to respond theologically to various issues like religious pluralism, religious fundamentalism and ecological crisis etc.
- To promote the formation of well equipped Christian teachers, leaders, communicators, writers and scholars.
- To encourage independent and original research using integrated and inter- disciplinary approach in theological education.
The candidate shall be required to take course work as follows:
Section | Courses | Credits |
1 | Methodological Issues in Theology | 4(SE) |
Revisiting and Reconstructing Christian Doctrines in India | 8(SE) | |
2 | Study of Text | 4(CE) |
Developments in Christian Thought | 2(CE) | |
3 | Liberation/Contextual Theologies | 2 (CE) |
4 | Major figures in Christian Theology | 2 (CE) |
5 | Contempary Issues in Thoelogy | 2 (CE) |
6 | Integrated Course | 2 (CE) |
Research Methodology | 2 (CE) | |
Study Methods | 2 | |
Method of Teaching | 4 | |
Thesis | 12 | |
Total | 50 Credits |
- Any applicant who had passed the BD Examination of Senate of Serampore College in Second Class and obtained B Grade (57.5% and above) average in the Theology and Ethics cluster in BD studies.
- The candidate should have passed in at least one Greek or Hebrew exegetical paper at BD level (other than the preliminary and advanced courses) securing a second class (57.5% and above) average.
- Before a candidate is registered for the M.Th course, he/she should have at least one year of practical experience in some field of Christian service after passing the BD or its equivalent theological degree. The women candidates are exempted from this rule.
- Application form and the prospectus can be obtained either from the office of the Director of Admissions by paying Rs. 500/-
- Online application form for M.Th Christian Theology Studies can be downloaded by clicking on – Application form
- Online applicants shall pay the amount of 500/- by DD (demand draft) in favour of Faith Theological Seminary, Manakala with the filled application form.
- Submit the application before 10th January.